Introducing The GSatMicro Series
A suite of intelligent, satellite enabled terminals that provide a vast set of features to help you quickly and effectively satellite enable your projects

The GSatMicro Series is a suite of intelligent, satellite enabled terminals that provide advantageous, global behavior monitoring and management of fixed and mobile assets. Whether managing people, vehicles, aircrafts, vessels or remote installations, the GSatMicro Series terminals provide satellite enabled solutions across multiple industries. It provides an encrypted, secure communications channel around the globe for transmitting and receiving data, and in many cases, survivable communications on demand whether on land, in the air, or at sea.
The GSatMicro Series is fully programmable and customizable, allowing the creation and modification of scripts to expose custom behaviors and transmit data in a format dictated by your unique requirements. The ability to execute a customized script allows the GSatMicro Series to perform real-time analysis of data captured out in the field, control other hardware, sensors, or electromechanical components, and perform other vital tasks.
The core of the GSatMicro Series terminals is a processing engine between any and all of the built in interfaces: satellite, GPS, USB, encryption, serial port, analog inputs, digital outputs, accelerometer, battery/charging information, temperature, and shock/motion.
Core features for all GSatMicro Series terminals
- Intelligent
- Programmable
- Over-the-air Configuration
- Extremely Small Size
- 256-bit AES Encryption
- GPS Tracking
- GSM Connectivity
- Behavior Monitoring
- Multiple Sensors
- Iridium Global Coverage
- Reporting Flexibility
Iridium's Global Satellite Network
The GSatMicro Series utilizes Iridium’s bi-directional SBD (Short Burst Data Service) satellite service to provide visibility and network connectivity with people and equipment anywhere in the world and offers a simple and efficient satellite communications service for transmitting small portions of data between remote assets and a centralized host. Iridium’s SBD service offers low-latency, truly global coverage and near real-time communications capabilities.
GSatMicro OEM
An intelligent, Iridium-based platform for integrating into custom hardware to create satellite enabled solutions.
The GSatMicro OEM is an incredibly customizable device which combines telematics and onboard intelligence in a way no other satellite device has before. Starting with an engineering challenge to design the smallest possible satellite tracking device, the GSatMicro OEM not only delivers, it includes extremely advanced functionality in an astonishingly small package. The GSatMicro OEM allows the ability to satellite enable unique projects to solve or develop strategic missions. It performs as a completely customizable telemetry device with multiple I/O ports allowing the ability to tie in a host of sensors capable of truly understanding how things are behaving.
The GSatMicro OEM board clips directly onto the Iridium 9602 modem providing a platform for developers to integrate into their own projects. Every component of the GSatMicro OEM was designed to fit into a dense vertical stack, providing extremely advanced functionality in an astonishingly small package. It is capable of being fully integrated into a customized form factor designed to meet specialized demands of any project imaginable.
Core features + More!
- Create Unique Terminals
- Satellite Enable Any Project
- Define Your Own Form Factors
- Completely Integrable
- Building Block For Endless Applications
- Quick To Market
- Built In Control & Functionality
GSE's handheld integration of the OEM is established as the smallest self-contained Iridium tracker in the world!

Environmentally sealed, the GSatMicro is a handheld satellite terminal that is suitable for the harshest and most challenging environments that are far from the reach of most communications systems. The GSatMicro provides personnel communications equipment that is exceptionally secure, light, reliable, portable, and rugged, with the addition of added behavior control. The GSatMicro brings together powerful electronics with an intelligent core to create an extremely versatile unit that can detect and communicate the behavior of assets in the field.
In its handheld form factor, the GSatMicro is the world’s smallest and lightest, self-contained Iridium satellite communications terminal. With the inclusion of the - GSatMicro OEM, a rechargeable battery, an antenna, I/O ports, and GSM modules - absolutely everything you need is built in and very simple to interface with to a multitude of connectivity options. Within the ruggedized case resides an programmable intelligence capable of letting you know more than just the location of an asset but the behavior of the asset and how the world around it is affecting it. In essence, the GSatMicro is not just a tracking device, it is a powerful processing engine in the smallest and lightest form available on the market today.
Additionally, it includes on-device behavior control and intelligence that allows it to perform logic and data analysis. With the ability to provide automated reporting, it comes standard with an Alert and check in button. LEDs let you know when the device is connected to GPS and the Iridium satellite network, as well as Alert, incoming messages and power status.
The GSatMicro provides strategic integration capabilities for diverse applications ideal for security and safety, personnel tracking, fleet management, or unique mission applications that require maximum dependability and flexibility in remote locations, whether on land, at sea, or in the air anywhere in the world.
Core features + More!
- Fully Self-contained
- Weatherproof
- Rugged Case (IP67)
- Small Size
- Status Indicators
- Alert Button
- Sleep & Storage Modes
- Rechargeable Battery
- Omni-Directional Antenna
- Multiple Sensor I/Os
- Smartphone Tethering & Apps
- Whitelabel Options
GSatMicro X Series
The X models of the GSatMicro Series add a redundant layer of communications by adding GSM capabilities to create a true hybrid solution.

You are able to customize all aspects of the GSatMicro Series, even the network you want to connect to. The X Series adds a GSM module to your terminal enabling the ability to have multiple layers of network connectivity creating a redundant platform for your communications. Working as hybrid solutions, the GSatMicro X and the GSatMicro OEM X, have the capability to switch flawlessly between local, land-based cellular networks and Iridium’s globally accessible satellite network.
Not only does a multi-network hybrid solution provide always-available communications, it can also reduce costs by using GSM as a less expensive way to send and receive data. You also have the option to choose which network is the primary means of transmitting data and which network is the failover network used for backup communications. The options are highly versatile and can be controlled based on the requirements of your project.
- Satellite + GSM Networks
- Network Redundancy
- Customizable Switchover
- Increase Coverage
- Reduce Costs