Posted by David Chalona on Feb 28, 2022
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GSatTrack Spotlight Series Groups
Spotlight Series: Groups for managing multiple worksites
Spotlight Series Overview
Many of the GSE blog series have great content about how GSE solutions can help people across dozens of industries collect, move, and manage the data intelligence of their business. This series will get more specific and focus on the specific features of those products and solutions, and how they deliver value to people in specific job functions. The series will introduce the REAL people using GSE's products, and exactly how they find ways to save time, save money, and keep people safe.
Sometimes, seeing the value of a product as feature-rich as GSatTrack requires this kind of detailed deep-dive. The goal of this series is for each person reading the articles to have the opportunity to recognize themselves in these personas, and apply these solutions to their daily activity. We are confident that any asset manager who reads every article in this series will find at least one way to make their lives easier with GSE products.
Managing Multiple Worksites
A Solution for Caleb
Caleb is the project manager for a growing commercial construction company in a major metro area. In addition to his existing projects, Caleb will add a mulit-site construction contract for regional expansion of a national franchise. The distance between job sites will increase, and the impact of traffic will make it impossible to bounce around or make last minute trips. Caleb is responsible for reporting project details to his company's client on a daily basis.
Caleb’s Problem
Caleb’s current projects have been taxing his time management with the locations being scattered around the city, especially in a post-Covid world in which being shorthanded is standard operating procedure. He needs more visibility into his job sites, and he needs it in a simplified form. Currently, his only options are to call each site supervisor to get updates on staffing, equipment, and progress, or show up in person to gather the information. With phone calls there is no guarantee the time is good for both parties and creates a lot of “chasing” each other down. All of this wastes time and is inefficient. Caleb needs a way to quickly separate all of his daily operating data according to job site.
Groups Feature in GSatTrack
Grouping and Subgrouping assets is a method many asset managers use to simplify the map UI, provide visibility to internal and external teams, and pull pertinent reports from narrowed data sets. Groups are sorting containers that ensure ease of use for organizations with extensive Asset ecosystems. Groups can contain any number of Assets, and Assets can belong to any number of Groups. In the List Panel, Groups display as top level folders with Assets inside of them. Groups can also be nested within one another to provide multi-layer sorting.
Using Groups
Caleb's Missing Piece
Caleb has his team and all of his tracked Assets assigned to Groups labeled with each job site ID. At the end of the day, he can quickly cycle through the views to confirm equipment is positioned as needed for the next day. At the start of each day he can confirm teams are on site and know the working capacity. Any job site shorthanded is easily recognized, and he is able to make quick decisions on how to adjust his teams. With his job sites organized in Groups, he can start building automated Alerts and automated Reports as well.
More About GSatTrack
GSatTrack is an industry-best device-agnostic telematics visualization platform that offers a suite of tools that help people Monitor, Manage, and Maximize their tracked Assets from anywhere in the world. GSatTrack features real-time data feeds, map interfaces with live and history modes, complex reporting, and advanced interactive tools. Trusted by high-profile public and private sector clients alike, GSatTrack is also the default choice of most major Satellite networks, having been certified for use by Globalstar, Inmarsat, and Iridium.
People are always available to enthusiastically tell stories about GSE's products, and to answer any questions you may have about them. Please get in touch with us today to learn more about the ways in which GSE can help you develop the solution that works best for you.
About the Author
David Chalona
Global Account Manager
David brings with him to GSE a sharp mind, a good ear, and empathy for the folks turning wrenches. David looks to make an impact from the first call, all the way through the implementation and ongoing support. He’s constantly looking for challenges that require innovation, and for opportunities to educate.
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